The Book Cover!


Press Release:


Contact: Mimi Wright, Owner
Company Name:  The Wright Group, Project Management

Books Name:  Voice for the Silent Fathers
Telephone Number:  760-717-7534
Email Address:
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OCEANSIDE CALIFORNIA, FEBRUARY 1, 2016 – The Wright Group, Project Management, will publish VOICE FOR THE SILENT FATHERS, Eddie K. Wrights memoir detailing the controversial experience of being the young father of a son who would grow up to be the gayest man on the planet!  His “NO SON OF MINE!!” street gangster mentality evolves during his difficult life journey coming to realize that his responsibility as a loving father didn’t change just because his son is gay. The book is scheduled for publication on June 1, 2016.

In his first memoir, Eddie shares his story of becoming a father at 18 years old who realized his son was showing ‘stereotypical’ signs of being gay while still in diapers.  Spending most of his adult life engulfed in the street gangster/hip hop culture where this subject was not only hushed, but deeply frowned upon, he gives us the voice for what’s been kept silent for far too long, confronting almost every aspect of this taboo topic.  It took years for him to silently accept his son’s homosexuality himself, regardless of all the signs.  When his son was five years old, his favorite color was pink and there was nothing Dad could do about it.  By the age of fourteen; he was an internet sensation, dancing on YouTube building his fan base to guarantee his success when performing as a drag queen a few years later.  Eddie addresses the questions most are scared to ask; Was there anything I could do to stop my son’s homosexuality? When did I know my son was gay? What made him that way?  Parents will find comfort in reading that Eddie admits that his son’s feminine behaviors embarrassed hi and he seriously contemplated abandonment, a choice that too many fathers feel they have to choose.

He shares witnessing the desperation in the eyes of fathers, from all walks of life, who have pulled him aside, away from listening ears wanting to know the answers to these frequently asked questions, agonizing the possibilities that their son might be gay.

“Wow, your voice is one that is rarely heard in this discussion and I for one am deeply appreciative for the insights you offered. My own father disowned me briefly as a teenager for being gay and like you was a man immersed in a macho world. Although he and I were never very close as he became ill and suffered the demise of cancer I was able to be there for him in a way that my other siblings couldn’t and I was able to, in the end, have a closeness with him that made all the distance between us for all those years irrelevant. Thanks for doing this.” ~Troy Lynch

Eddie has been writing for over 10 years while serving his Federal sentence for a street lifestyle that played a key role in his thought process regarding his gay son.  Using his writing and speaking skills as tools to inspire a positive way of living, this former gangster turned Guru brings his story of transformation to life in a way that makes it safe for parents and loved ones to discuss what they think and how they feel about their child living an alternative lifestyle.


THE WRIGHT GROUP, PROJECT MANAGEMENT provides a variety of services including book self publishing assistance.  Launched in February of 2015, The Wright Group is quickly becoming the go to resource for individuals and small companies for all of their project management needs.  For more information, visit our website at The Wright Group.
