An Open Letter to My Daughter Lexi!


I was nervous when Drew said you wanted to talk, and passed the phone years ago. You had every right to be upset with me for not reaching out and allowing all the other drama in my life, affect our relationship.

But you were just as happy as me that we’ve reconnected, continually showing loving support.

You’ve grown into an amazing young lady, shocking me with your articulate insight and dreams of the future.

You, out of all of my children, send me the most pictures and e-mail messages (although you’ve been slacking lately) ijs.

You’ve overcome many obstacles and challenges at such a young age that there’s no doubt in my mind, you’ll achieve all your goals in the future.

I have this picture of you and Drew, hugging one another, barefoot on the beach, both with huge smiles and it reminds me of how lucky I am that you were there for each other at times when I should have been there for the both of you.

I’m blessed and grateful for having you in my life and for forgiving me so easily.

Love always, Dad.

An Open Letter to My Son Andrew!


My letter to you turned out to be a book, and I thank you for discovering a process that has helped me heal our relationship. I’ve had no problem admitting my faults, especially in my role as your father. You’ve never given up on me, and that’s something I’m thankful for.

Our weekly conversations always lift my spirits. You couldn’t know how much I enjoy just hearing you being you in the local food store, ordering your coffee at Starbucks, or when you’re doing a client’s hair. When you apologize for putting me on hold, and I let you know it’s all right, it’s because it is. I love just hearing you living your life.

There are moments when I’m feeling down, that I’m able to reflect on our lazy summer days fishing on the boat, the game at Yankee stadium or your big smile wearing the Mickey Mouse ears on the return flight from Disney World.

I cherish the times we’ve shared and agonize over the many I’ve missed. You’re the vitality of my hope, meaning and purpose to make it home in order to create more happy memories.

I love you with all my heart!
