Guest Blogger Submissions

I am looking to support other independent authors as featured guests on my blog.  If you would like to do a guest post, please contact my publisher Mimi Wright at
  1. Your blog should focus on parenting, relationships or self-help.  Overcoming life’s challenges to build stronger, healthier relationships will catch my attention as that’s my whole reason for writing.
  2. Your submission must be original content, meaning it can’t be posted on any other website, including your own (You can link to it from my page).
  3. Your submission should be well written, edited, formatted and ready to post.  I reserve the right to make edits as I see fit but if there are too many, I’ll deny your request to be a guest.
  4. Make sure you have great content that does not include a sales pitch.  I will include your bio and a link to your website.  That’s where your sales pitch belongs.
  5. In your submission, tell me a bit about you what and you do.  Include your author bio:  200 words max plus a headshot.
  6. Your submission is NOT a guarantee to post.  If selected, I will give you at least 2 weeks notice of feature.  If you have a preferred date to be featured, make sure you include it with your submission
  7. All posts should be a minimum of 800 words, submitted in a word document or PDF File, Times New Roman 12 font, double-spaced.  Don’t forget to include links to your website in your submission.
  8. If your guest post is accepted for publication, you grant a license for my publisher, M. Wright Group to be the exclusive publisher. You may republish extracts on your own site, but the article in its entirety should not appear elsewhere.
  9. I assume you think my site will help promote you and your works so… How about you pick one of my posts to share right now?  Don’t forget to tag me @eddiekwright
  10. Thank you for considering my site to share your work.  I look forward to working with you.

I would love to hear your thoughts!