An Open Letter to my Daughter Nia


This out of all these letters is the hardest to write. You were robbed the most, as an unintentional victim of my mistakes. You of all my children, have never yet experienced me outside of the prison walls.

But you could never tell that based on the relationship we share. We can look at one another, and no words need to be spoken for us to have a clear understanding.

Last year, you looked at me and said, “WOW, you’re my dad,” and repeated emphatically, “You are my dad.” Then you gave me a big smile. Do you know that every time I look at you, every time I hear your voice, see your picture or think about you, which is all the time…that’s the exact thought that I have about you. “WOW, you’re my daughter!”

Everyone knows you’ve always had me wrapped around your pinky. I remember at an early age when you started recognizing your mesmerizing abilities over me, like a superhero coming into their unique special powers. It was when you boldly talked back to your aunt Mimi on the phone saying, “You need to talk to my father because he said I can have whatever I want!” Leading to Mimi reprimanding me about spoiling my princess.

But I could never do enough to right the wrong that my errors caused in the unforeseen consequences that have affected you. You’re a beautiful spirit with a joyful soul that has an inner strength to overcome any challenges you face.

I can write pages of all your potential and how much I love you but it’s not needed because every time we look at one another, “WE” know. There are no words that can fully express my love for you but I sum it up the best, letting you know that every time I see you, in my head I’m telling myself, “WOW, that’s my daughter!”

Love Always Daddy

Pre-Introduction: The Evolution Of…

Coming in early 2019, Gangster Turned Guru Presents:  “The Evolution of a Gangster Turned Guru”
When I first sat down to write “THE EVOLUTION OF A GANGSTER TURNED GURU,” it was the easiest 300 pages I ever wrote. Reliving the experiences of my criminal past, I wanted the reader to know that there wasn’t an aspect of this gangster lifestyle which I hadn’t participated in.
The ‘go hard or go home’, ‘get rich or die trying’, ‘feast or famine’ attitude for over 20 years had so many stories, that it was going to end up being a four book series. Fortunately, I recognized the content of what I was writing, in what would turn out to be the first three books were reading like non-fiction urban novels.
The message wasn’t corresponding to what I’m inspired to express. Although it’s who I was, it’s no longer who I choose to be and even though my intent wasn’t to glorify my gangster past, some might interpret it that way.
What if readers only buy the first three books without getting to the transformation part?
Influencing anyone on the path is the last thing I wanted to do. I don’t need to build my gangster credibility with the reader. Trust me, my 45-year sentence from the United States Government as the leader of a criminal enterprise is resume enough to do that alone.
Who I thought myself to be, was not who I truly am and with the realization of life’s laws and principals, I’ve experienced how the truth is always the solutions to difficulties that I’ve been faced with. That truth lead me to change my process of thought because I’m the first to admit, I didn’t know how to think. Oh, I thought I knew it all when entertaining my gangster mentality, attempting to achieve what I expected to bring peace and happiness.
Yet the cause, which was the way I thought, didn’t correspond with the effect I was attempting to accomplish. I had no idea of the Universal laws and principals that govern life until I consciously made a decision to search for the truth.
My inner desire enlightened me to a spiritual way of living by realizing that we are immersed in a creative intelligence, an eternal goodness of unconditional love and law. The awakening to my true being, under conditions that most consider being hell on earth, is more evidence of the power we all have access to. I’ve achieved that peace and happiness which is enhanced by sharing this truth with others.
I’m not a spiritual sage or mystic. It wasn’t a beam of illumination or burning bush that woke me up late at night to tell me this spiritual truth. It was the experience of the laws and love of God that shed light on the darkness, making it clear for me to see that the darkness didn’t even exist.
Yet, as long as I continued to hold the perception and belief of being a gangster, the laws corresponding to that thought pattern created the outward experience. But the essence of who I am and who you are cannot and does not change.
The journey of life’s un-unfoldment is one of self-discovery that we each must individually experience in our own way. The importance of one’s personal experience can’t be emphasized enough since this is the foundation of your conviction in what you believe.
It’s not enough for me to say that we are all spiritual beings, unified with life, living in a Universe of creative intelligence that operates according to these Universal laws, set in motion due to the way we think, words we speak and actions we take to create our experience. That this law is God’s law of cause and effect based on an impersonal principle of being a natural law, which means that regardless if used destructively or constructively, the law will take the impression of our thoughts and attract the experience that our thinking directed it to do.
As good as that sounds, learning is not that easy. Most of us are actually bound by our creative freedom, from not consciously being aware of the influence our thinking has in creating the conditions we find ourselves experiencing.
With the law and infinite intelligence of God, there are no limits on what we can individually achieve, except the limits that we place on ourselves according to what we believe.
Spiritual knowledge of this Universal system of life brings the essence of your spiritual perfection to the surface. But until we individually make a conscious decision to challenge the false ideas held about ourselves, and analyze why our lives are in what appears to be a constant state of turmoil, then we can’t expect the habits of thoughts that created the present circumstances to attract something different in the future.
By changing my thought patterns from a gangster living in fear, being angry and frustrated with the world, to a mentality of a spiritual nature, God’s laws directed me to the right path in the choices that I make and experiences that I create. When I don’t know what to do or seem confused, I understand that there is an intelligence within me that does know and will reveal the answer, giving me this unyielding poise that I experience creating peace, harmony, and happiness that so many have trouble finding.
This understanding didn’t’ happen overnight. What’s important is that it happen and regardless of my outer situation, my inner experience of peace and love of God doesn’t change. So I teach what I’ve learned in an attempt to help others realize and recognize the divine essence of their being. I write in the modern-day language of an old all-inclusive universal truth, teaching God’s love, law and how it works according to the way we think. I keep a mental attitude of gratitude, discussing this truth that’s an antidote to the deep emotional pain and distress that so many of us suffer from.
You may not be in the dire situation that’s read about in the following pages, but the method and solutions to find peace and happiness with a meaningful life are the same.
One’s outer circumstances cannot dictate your emotional state unless you allow them to. We see this all the time with two people in the exact same environment, one is joyful and the other is miserable. The only difference between the two is the inner thoughts they choose to entertain.
This is the essence of our free will, the choice to choose how we think and what we think about. This makes all the difference in the creation of your life because you’ll experience who you think you are, even if it isn’t true. And here is where we find the unconditional love of God’s laws, allowing us to experience who we are not, in order to discover who we truly are.
I’ve created immeasurable challenges for myself, transforming them into opportunities that inspired a change that brought about “THE EVOLUTION OF A GANGSTER TURNED GURU“.

An Open Letter To My Daughter Alexa



You’ve always been an added blessing in my life. I often think about the times we shared, hearing your two year old voice in my head, singing the song you made up in your car seat, after returning from one of our trips to Toys-R-us. “Eddie Papi is the best!”


I laugh whenever I think about when you attended Tutor time nursery school. Since only the male teacher assistant was in the class, you refused to let him take you to the bathroom. With tears in your eye’s you looked up at the teacher and said, “If you take me to the bathroom, my daddy will kill you!” Automatically triggering a call from the school.


I always wanted to be your protector as any father should.  I flip through our pictures from all the prison visits, seeing how much you and your sister have grown, reminding me of all that I’ve missed.


I’ve been the cause of many difficult challenges in your life and I apologize for that. Although you haven’t been to see me in a while, never think that my unconditional love for you will ever diminish.  You know like I know we share that unbreakable bond. You also know in your heart that….Eddie Popi is still the best!


Love always Daddy.